The Other Sermon

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I walk on the greenbelt trails in the early morning, when the trails are calm and still. I do this because that calm and stillness permeates ME, and when I feel this way, I can “feel” God’s presence, and I can “see” many things — about myself and others, about my little personal world and our big collective world.

From that calm-and-still place, I can understand things. Everything (including me!) feels big and expansive and inclusive and light-filled. I know who I am and I know what to do.

Then I step off the greenbelt.
And everything changes. 

I check the news. I spend too long doing it. And the world looks a little less shiny.

I check social media. I don’t stop in time. I start feeling not-so-goodish.

I return emails and phone calls. I start with good intentions, but soon I start feeling…petty.

I grow smaller and smaller and smaller.

I drift awayawayaway from who I am when I walk with God on the greenbelt…until I’ve drifted so far away that it doesn’t seem like that moment on the greenbelt even happened.

“I don’t get it,” I say to Jesus of Nazareth one morning on the trails, imagining Him walking at my side. I heave a sigh for dramatic effect. “How-oh-how do I carry what I feel here into the day?” I ask Him. “HOW do I remain that person?”

His answer comes quickly, and with a faint note of humor:


Oh. Right.
Not gonna lie.
I like things to come easy.
And that includes spiritual growth.


The coronavirus and its unexpected consequences, coupled with the protests and the unexpected realizations they have evoked, have left many of us feeling that we want to do more, BE more – 

We’re feeling a strong desire to be our BEST SELVES (our Soul Selves!).

Some of us want to be better listeners.
Some of us want to be more compassionate.
Some of us want to be kinder when dealing with others.
Some of us want to work for change with our brothers and sisters who have been treated unjustly, even if we’re not entirely certain what that looks like or how to get started…


ome of us would like to work on ALL OF THE ABOVE, starting with being A LITTLE LESS PETTY. (Did I say some of us? Whoops. Sorry. That one was for me.)

Here’s the thing, ya’ll.
Our attempts may be awkward. 
We’ll likely make mistakes.
But if we want to become better, kinder, wiser, more compassionate people, 

We’re gonna have to practice.